Monday, April 10, 2006

Day 7: Tin Whistles

I've always liked music and received much joy from all types of music. When I was younger I spent a little time playing the piano, trumpet, and bassoon. A few years ago my wife became enchanted with tin whistle. I bought her one as a gift. After we fought over it for a while I bought me one for a gift. We now have about 30 or so different tin whistles. We love to sit out on the the back patio swing on summer evenings and play jigs, aires, and reels together while the kids play in the yard.

I keep one in my truck to play as I commute to and from work. There is always one close at hand at home and we rarely go camping or on vacation without taking a few of our favorites along. Perhaps our passion for the tin whistle comes from our Irish roots. There is nothing quite like playing a spritely jig with your sweetheart.

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