Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2008 Lawyer Family Reunion

5 Years ago I got frustrated with my family. They rarely had a family reunion. So I reserved a group campsite and called everyone and invited them to the reunion. They all (ok, well most of them) said they couldn't come. In the end, they all made it. We just finished the 5th Annual Lawyer Family Reunion. It has become a tradition in the family and for the first time I wasn't in charge (woohoo, hooray, much rejoicing). I LOVE being with my family!

The cousins look forward to hanging out in the mountains for a few days each summer. I think there were about 30 cousins this year.

I can't believe my mom will still come camping with me. Thanks Mom!

Ok, one of us is bending his knees and one of us is on his toes. Any guesses?

How can someone with messy hair still be so beautiful?
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