Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Starting the day off right

What is the perfect start to your perfect day? I think understanding this goes a long way toward having lots of perfect days. I don't know that I have it completely figured out, but over the last few years I've discovered how I really like to start my day.

  • 5:20am - Wake up, look over at my wife and be amazed (yet again) at how beautiful she is when she sleeps. You can see the warmth and the softness in her cheeks.
  • Head down stairs (take care of nature - it's like clockwork...) brush my teeth, study my scriptures (I love it) and pray (I love it).
  • 6:00am - Get some exercise (head to the gym and/or go for a run). Put on my headphones and get into the zone - the General Conference Zone.
  • 7:15am-ish - Hit the shower and throw on my suit.
  • On Salt Lake days, catch an 8am bus and read the Book of Mormon all the way to work.
  • On Orem days, go home and putter around the house until the kids get up, say family prayers, make people breakfast and inevitably be late to the office because I can't stand to leave my little ones.

Anyone else have the perfect start to the perfect day figured out?

Oh, and here is my favorite breakfast.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tips - You know like money

Today my good friend Brad introduced me to a new service called TipJoy ( The basic concept is if you like something or someone you can leave them a $.10 tip through PayPal. You have to transfer $5 into your TipJoy account to start tipping. I can see some powerful implications to these $.10 micropayments. Anyone feeling generous? Click the TipJoy button at the end of this post to send me a tip.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yep, we love her.
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